FlexiOss Projects UMED as the Consortium Leader SHIELD-Fabry PICOLO-FH trial BOOSTER trial COMBO-UC trial cALL-POL MAGIC-AML LAMAinDiab Alzheimer STEADY UMED as a Consortium member/ Partner CRACOVIA-HF ViRap RATIONAL RaRE-TS RemiRit Forma Interfant-21 TreatWolfram EMPATHY Protect ICD Finished FlexiOss Car-NET LEIA-HF Main page » Orthopedics Finished Nazwa projektu: FlexiOss Tytuł projektu: Safety and efficacy of implanted bio-composite for bone regeneration FlexiOss in patients with primary and secondary bone defects. Główny badacz: dr n.med. Stanisław Pomianowski Kwota dofinansowania: share