Project title: Childhood ALL in Poland (cALL-POL) project: a national harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children

Project data

Project financing: 28 123 231,18 PLN (including financing for UMED: 12 446 163,26 PLN), financed by the Medical Research Agency (ABM) - ABM/2019/1

Project description:

cALL-POL is a clinical research project that is intended to include all children in Poland with a newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The main goal of the cALL-POL project is to facilitate access to advanced therapies for Polish children with ALL and to identify best treatment options using advanced genome-wide molecular diagnostics for patients who have not responded to the standard therapeutic strategy.

ALL is the most common malignancy in the pediatric population, with a prevalence of 47 per million per year among children under 15 years of age. ALL is therefore, by definition, a rare disease and only a joint international scientific initiative can improve the effectiveness of treatment. A consortium consisting of the Medical University of Lodz, the Medical University of Lublin, the Medical University of Silesia and the Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG will jointly conduct nationwide clinical trials involving pediatric patients with ALL. Recruited patients with newly diagnosed ALL will participate in three different controlled clinical trials: AIEOP-BFM 2017 POLAND, EsPhALL 2017/COG AALL1631, Rux-cALL-Pol 2020.


Consortium composed of:

Medical University of Lodz (Leader)

Medical University of Silesia in Katowice (Partner)

Medical University of Lublin (Partner)

The Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz (Partner)

The Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG (Partner)

Coordinating Principal Investigator, National Coordinator


prof. Tomasz Szczepański, MD, PhD


Rux-cALL-Pol 2020

prof. Wojciech Młynarski, MD, PhD

More details about the project available here: LINK

CTSU Support


Edyta Blus, PhD

Adam Węgorzewski, MSc

Katarzyna Wiklak-Mrowińska, MSc

Site coordination

Joanna Drogosz-Stachowicz, MSc

Paulina Chęcińska, MSc


Agnieszka Wiesner, MSc

Łukasz Pamuła, MSc


Zuzanna Nowicka, MD
