About us
Initially, the unit which supported clinical trials implementation within the structures of Medical University of Łódź was the Clinical Trials Section (SBK) at that time – a part of The Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CIITT). In 2019, the SBK was transformed into an independent unit with the new name Clinical Research Centre (CBK). In 2021 a project founded by the Medical Research Agency (ABM), was launched to expand the CBK into a highly specialised Clinical Trials Support Unit (CWBK), which would provide a comprehensive support in the implementation of both non-commercial and commercial clinical trials. The main objective was to build a centralised infrastructure that will be able to assist in all crucial aspects of clinical trials services. In order to achieve this goal several points had to be completed: expanding the team of specialists in main areas related to the subject; following the model standards according to the guidelines from the ABM; implementing effective system solutions and last but not least: building an Early Phase Site. The project worth over 11 million PLN, started in 2021, and on 29th March, 2022 the new facilities had its grand opening.